Song that made us what we are today [Part 1/4]


I noticed that I didn’t introduce myself properly.
I like orange juice!
I also like to listen to alternative-rock-metal-folk-dubstep-jazz-country music and whatever genre that fits my mood.
Before I got this scope of musical taste I used to stick to those pop songs I heard on TV/radio. And that was it.

So in the next 4 posts I would like to show my appreciation to those fantastic 4 friends of mine that somehow changed, shaped and influenced all my musical life, introducing me to new bands and music styles. Also, I’ll add some band suggestions that I hope you like as much as I did.

My first word of recognition goes to Nuno, one of the authors of this amazing blog and a long-time friend.
I didn’t have internet connection at home and for many years he was my number one music dealer!
Thank you for introducing me to all that folk/country/rock music we’ve heard in your basement and of course, a special thanks for introducing me to Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Scorpions!

None of us born with The Talent to sing or play guitar, nor the ambition to proceed in those fields (thank God!!) but we kinda like to play just for fun, and boy we had it! =D
Here’s a short video we made some years ago:

DISCLAIMER: Yes, we know! It’s awfully played/sung! We were just having fun and that song is so f*k!#$ awesome we couldn’t ruin it that much! (but awful enough for keeping the link private just for our dear followers đŸ˜‰ )
Here’s a short list of the songs I used to hear back then (rock all the way!) when I started this journey (wait for the sequel: “Judas Rising [Part 2/4]“)

Red Hot Chilli Peppers:
One of the best videos ever uploaded to YouTube

Big City nights. One of my favorite rock songs

3 Doors Down:
We used to play this one on loop

Green Day:
Another childhood song

PS: “Song that made us what we are today” is an old song by Chilli Peppers.
They had some pretty ‘freaky’ songs when they started..

19 comments on “Song that made us what we are today [Part 1/4]

  1. nuninho89 says:

    Best post so far!

  2. Lourenço says:

    Very nice post! And it was priceless to see your version of Scar Tissue, I’m still laughing at Nuno singing the harmony đŸ˜€

  3. nuninho89 says:


  4. Filipa says:

    Eu SABIA que havias de revelar estas pĂ©rolas um dia! đŸ˜€ Quando fizeram este vĂ­deo?

    • pedroganco says:

      Foi gravado em 2008 sem ensaios ou pretensões de um dia ser posto no youtube. Encontrei esta gravaĂ§Ă£o no disco externo e achei piada pĂ´r aqui dado o conteĂºdo do artigo ^^
      NĂ£o desistas de nĂ³s Filipa! Ainda devemos pĂ´r aqui mais umas pĂ©rolas nossas =D

      • nuninho89 says:

        Gosto do “sem ensaios ou pretensões de um dia ser posto no youtube”. É que se tivesse havido ensaios ou pretensões de pĂ´r no youtube a qualidade seria consideravelmente superior!

  5. Lourenço says:

    Ah, and “The Song That Made Us What We Are Today” is pretty good, I don’t know why do you call it freaky đŸ˜›

  6. nuninho89 says:

    Um dia? Filipa, o facebook dele estĂ¡ carregado de vĂ­deos bem mais comprometedores do que este!
    NĂ£o sei ao certo, mas a gravaĂ§Ă£o deve ter Ă  volta de 4 anos…

  7. pedroganco says:

    @Lourenço Their first songs were pretty funky back then and I used the word ‘freaky’ thinking about the album Freaky Styley

    @Nuno: sim tem cerca de 4 anos. Os vĂ­deos comprometedores de que falas estĂ£o no teu facebook, por isso era preciso ser-se teu amigo para os visionamentalizar =P plus, a Filipa Ă© demasiado mainstream para ter FB

    • nuninho89 says:

      LOL sabias que eles tinham um Ă¡lbum chamado Freaky Styley?? Tu confundes o Scar Tissue com o Californication…
      Tu estĂ¡s marcado, por isso elas aparecem no teu facebook tambĂ©m =P

    • Filipa says:

      Demasiado mainstream? Pensava que mainstream era *ter* FB. đŸ˜›

      • pedroganco says:

        oh, nĂ£o faças caso! ^^ queria dizer “hipster”
        (Ă© o que dĂ¡ ter-te corrigido outro dia um typo no mail! agora andas em cima de mim đŸ˜› pfff… grammar nazi! -.-)

  8. Woowww gostei muito disto đŸ˜€

  9. […] of: Song that made us what we are today [Part 1/4] Judas Rising [Part […]

  10. Nuno says:

    Estava a tocar agora o “Nights in White Satin” e lembrei-me que esta gravaĂ§Ă£o do Scar Tissue nĂ£o Ă© das piores!! Aquela nota final no solo do “Nights in White Satin” mesmo ao lado Ă© algo de outro mundo!

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